Thursday, June 11, 2009


Who are you??
Oh dear...should I repeat??
No...not your name!
Who are YOU??

You know...I thought so
I see through the facade
Your pretenses are no match
no match...for my 6th sense
yes...for it is my psychic sense!

You have no clue do you??
Your thoughts?...a replica of another's??
Your tastes?...are they your own??
Seriously though...who are you??

When will it end?
Where will that line be drawn??
Your identity is a secret huh?
But sadly...t'is a secret kept from even you!

Even for a fleeting moment...
Wouldn't you love to know?


Too often many folks have not a clue who they really are...somewhere along this path of life...many identities have been lost...and only the strong will find their way through it may be a simple as agreeing to an opinion that you absolutely do not believe in...or as drastic as living through others...literally!!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Live...Love...Laugh!! Blog is entitled 'The Life The Love The Laughter' my mind it is only right to make my first real entry all about these three L's :-)

Isn't that a weird word?...I mean once you have life you are living right??...but what is weirder is that having life in no way suggests that one is truly see waking up each day...heading to work...doing what you don't even like....heading back home...fighting to get to bed in time to start another day afresh is by no means 'alive' in my view!!
It was only yesterday I heard one young lady saying that things are so rough now that she is fighting to get in bed by midnight just to get to work on time...its as if midnight is the unspoken curfew...sorry folks but I don't set a curfew for much as I love my doesn't dictate what time I go to bed...I DO!...I don't believe in the same mundane tasks day in and day out...I don't have a set routine and as far as I am concerned...I am better off without consistency...
When was the last time you smelt a flower...or just stood and looked at a random animal...or just plain appreciate God's creations??...Then one day we may end up in a hospital and wonder why we wasted the better years of our lives...why we never appreciated the life we were given...why we never actually tried to live but merely fought to exist!!

Hmmmm...many people claim to love...but do we even know the meaning???...the true meaning of this lil 4-letter word?
According to wikipedia...Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment...I would not attempt to define it myself but at times I just feel like the word is thrown around too often without a true understanding of what it many times have we seen persons in a relationship that we do not feel is ideal??....and we proceed to speak all manner of evil about the we ever stop to wonder why both parties stick out despite what we may think are obvious pains??...true love perhaps??Maybe love really is blind...deaf...mute...but at ALL could only hope that its felt!!
What about those who are hurt in previous romantic relationships?...they end up in a new one and they refuse to give their all...they refuse to truly this fair to you??? your partner?? see...relationships should be enjoyed...they may come and go...but you better suck every ounce of happiness out of each one...make sure that you have great memories to last you a lifetime...don't sit wondering about what may go wrong...enjoy all that is right...enjoy it RIGHT NOW...Never Ever Be Afraid To Love!!

Weeeheeeee...I laugh for no reason...I smile even when I should be down...the people closest to me decide that stress is a foreign emotion to me...I don't believe in focussing on negatives for what am I to gain??...Some say I am too carefree...but I won't have it any other way :-D
I often pity those who run around announcing at a given time how happy they are...I always feel like these are the most miserable...its as if they always have something to prove to someone else becaus ethey figure others can see straight through their pretenses (P.S..pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy..hehe) since you don't hear me announcing...don't feel for one moment that all is not well with me...for unhappiness is my greatest I live a happy life...filled with lots of love and laughter ;-)

My parting words to all can only be...Live Love Laugh...always smile...cause if you truly keep your blessings in will realise you have absolutely nothing to frown about!!
